High Blood Pressure Can Lead to Stroke or Heart Attack! Get It Under Control With The Help Of Our Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops With Bioavailable Coral Calcium
Fact: According to Wake Forest University School of Medicine, every year, calcium channel blockers are estimated to cause 85,000 unnecessary deaths.(1*)
The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institution has reported that frequent use of blood pressure medication increases the risk of cancer.(2*)
The University of Denmark reported that 15% of cholesterol-lowering drug users over age 50 would suffer from nerve damage(3*) 50 million Americans age 6 and older have high blood pressure, and 30% of these people do not even know it.(4*)
95% of all high blood pressure cases go undiagnosed but are easily detectable and usually controllable.(5*)
Blood Pressure Medications Produce Negative Side-effects such as Fatigue, Dizziness, Depression, Impotence, and Liver Damage.(6*)
High blood pressure affects more than 40% of African Americans.(7*)
USA Today reported Statins have killed and injured 46,765 Americans last year and 1% of all users of these medications have died in the past 10 years. That over 5 million Americans.(8*)
If You Know You Have High Blood Pressure Or Heart Disease - Consider Yourself Lucky
Why Is That? Half the people who have high blood pressure don't even know it, and that's the reason this condition is called "the silent killer." It offers no signs ... no symptoms ...and no warnings of the danger present.(9*)
The risk of high blood pressure goes up as you get older, but it can be present in young people, as well. It is estimated that a staggering 50 million Americans are suffering from this condition right now. (10*)
Isn't High Blood Pressure Connected To A Disease?
Only 10% of high blood pressure is the result of another condition like kidney disease, sleep apnea, cirrhosis, Cushing's disease or pregnancy.
In 90% of all other cases, the evidence points to "environmental" factors such as lifestyle (smoking or stress) and diet choices.
Understanding Your High Blood Pressure
The blood travels through the veins at a greater than normal force which can damage the walls of the arteries. Dangerous deposits of harmful (LDL) cholesterol and various toxic substances can result in heart attack and stroke.
Although high blood pressure is often assumed to be a natural consequence of aging, the fact that so many Americans in their 20s, 30s and 40s suffer from high blood pressure clearly indicates it is not an age-dependent disease. Poor diet is a major contributing factor. Conventional medicine primarily focuses on addressing the symptoms of high blood pressure through the use of blood pressure medications, many of which cause dangerous side effects.
High Blood Pressure is a symptom that your body is in a state of general distress. It can be brought on by stress, poor diet and lack of exercise. Chronic stress causes your adrenal glands to work harder to secrete hormones that combat stress. Approximately 67% of adults in America suffer from mild adrenal fatigue, usually accompanied by high blood pressure.(11*)
Another factor that contributes to high blood pressure is our Western diet which is acidifying our blood. Fast and highly processed foods can shift blood pH towards a more acidic end of the scale (7.35). Why should you care about this? Because the human body functions better when it is in an alkaline (or basic) state.
When blood pH is acidic, our tissues become inflamed causing an immune response. Our immune system allocates its resources to combating inflammation meaning it becomes less effective at fighting illness.
Further, we fight acidosis via the release of a base into the bloodstream. You may recall that when acids and bases mix, a neutral product is formed. There is one very important base that is abundant in our body, and that is calcium. The trouble is, if large amounts of calcium are required to combat acidosis there is too little in the blood, it is leached from the bones. The accumulated effects of this may lead to diseases such as osteoporosis.
Another problem with acidosis is the compound that is created when the acid is neutralized by the base. This compound is often referred to as acid ash and is expelled by the body through the regular routes: urine, feces, and sweat. However, the liver and kidneys must filter it from the blood before it can be excreted and too much acid ash may overwork these elimination systems.
Fortunately, there is a supplement that may be able to help with both acidic blood and high blood pressure: Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops with Bioavailable Coral Calcium. That turns any glass of water into an alkaline powerhouse. Bioavailable coral calcium differs from standard calcium carbonate in that it is created by living creatures and thus consists of calcium mixed in a mineral matrix (although no live coral is used in the harvesting process).
Our bioavailable coral calcium will help to gently and effectively shift your blood into a more optimal pH range and refill depleted calcium stores, which may slow or stop bone demineralization. Aside from calcium, which itself may help to lower blood pressure, the drops also contain magnesium.
Magnesium is helpful as it may help to reduce inflammation caused by both high blood pressure and chronic acidification of the blood.
Finally, in the event of the sum being greater than the individual components, the mix of calcium, and magnesium consumed together has been shown to decrease blood pressure significantly.(13*)
If you want to get a handle on your high blood pressure, you may want to take our Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops with Bioavailable Coral Calcium along with our Natural Home Cures Freeze Dried Nopal Powder Capsules (Prickly Pear). Nopal contains potent anti-inflammatory compounds called betalains, which may help to increase feelings of health and well-being. Moreover, nopal contains the amino acid arginine, which may be able to help decrease blood pressure.(14*)
So How Much Does Pure Alkaline Water Drops Cost?
How Much? Just $30.00 a month or even less.
Try our Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops with Bioavailable Coral Calcium. If you are not entirely convinced that it’s the best natural homeopathic option for addressing your high blood pressure, contact us and we will refund your money.
WARNING! BACK ORDER IS INEVITABLE...Get More Than One Bottle As Demand Is Much Higher Than Our Supply
The quality of our product is evident when Natural Home Cures has a 98.5% reorder rate. It’s no mystery why we are achieving these numbers - very simply - Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops with Bioavailable Coral Calcium containing Life-Saving Minerals work! If for any reason, our Natural Home Cures Pure Alkaline Water Drops with Bioavailable Coral Calcium does not work for you, we will refund 100% of your purchase.
(1) Calcium Channel Blockers Not As Effective As Other Drugs - Wake Health University
(2) Your Guide to a Healthy Heart - National Heart Lung And Blood Institute
(3) 15% Of Cholesterol-Lowering Drug Users Suffer From Nerve Damage - Univ. of Denmark
(4) High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) - WebMD
(5) High Blood Pressure Often Undiagnosed & Uncontrolled - Consumer Reports
(6) High Blood Pressure Medication: Drug Facts, Side Effects - MedicineNet
(7) High Blood Pressure and African Americans - American Heart Association
(8) Statin Use and Risk of Primary Liver Cancer in the Clinical Practice Research Datalink - MedicationSense.Com
(9) High Blood Pressure - A Silent Killer - MedicineNet
(10) High Blood Pressure Facts - Center For Disease Control
(11) What is Adrenal Fatigue? - Adrenal Fatigue Org
(13) Magnesium Benefits Your Blood Pressure - Mercola
(14) Lower Your Blood Pressure With One Single Amino Acid - Second Opinion